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/ #155

2013-10-02 11:11

Hello, I am a British man that lives and works in Hradec Kralove. I moved to this city because it has a beautiful connection with nature.

I make my cycle ride to and from work along the Elbe. I go a longer way specifically to be close to the lovely nature, trees, river, birds and peace.

I understand that management of the water is very important but, cutting trees surely is not the answer. Even if it is the answer, it makes a lot of sense that more than one company is consluted and that the decision is made in agreement with the town council and the people.

It is possible that the locals do not know how lucky they are to have this beautiful natural resource right on their doorstep. Please make noise. Ask the river management company to be more responsive to the needs of the local people.

Thank you, Gary Jenkins